Fire on the Ice


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1917 – Russia is at war against the Central Powers, the Tsar has abdicated, and Russia is being ‘governed’ by a shaky coalition of political interests.

In the cities starving people are queuing for food. There are strikes and protests, and soldiers are starting to mutiny and desert.

Pavel Sukhov is a prosperous merchant in Barnaul, a town in southern Siberia. He and his wife Maria, their three daughters and a young son, try to distance themselves from the political unrest gripping the nation. 

But now Barnaul is about to install its first Soviet committee. Soon after, the town is engulfed in a catastrophic fire.

In Petrograd (St Petersburg), the Bolsheviks storm the Winter Palace, and inexorably, Russia slides into a devastating civil war. The Sukhovs’ world will be overturned. They will be forced to fight for their very survival.

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The Siberians - Simon Carey
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 5 reviews
 by Andrew Waddington
The Siberians Fire on the Ice

The lives of a Siberian family turned upside down in brutal internal civil conflict in Russia and Siberia.

 by Hans Bodewes
Fantastic book

What a fantastic, fascinating book!! I just finished Isabel Allende"s "Violeta!" also gripping, but this beats it for sure.

 by Karyn Walker
Fire on the Ice

What a wild Siberian ride this book is! I felt like I was right there with Pavel in the middle of the battles! Beautifully crafted battle scenes Simon, and so much attention to detail of the civil war. Can’t wait for Book 2 and what happens to Pavel and his family and little Vera. Big congratulations on Book 1, waiting impatiently for what comes next!

 by Di
The Siberians Fire on the Ice

A fabulous read. I knew very little Russian History and I found the book fascinating. By the end of the book you feel you know Pavel and his family personally. I can’t wait for the second book to see how the family fare. The book would make a fabulous movie.

 by Patricia Ikin
Well researched & couldn't put it down.

Well researched and couldn't put it down. Now I really want to read the second book in the series.

About Simon

SIMON, born in New Zealand, has called Australia home for over four decades. He moved to Australia to complete his tertiary education at RMIT in Polymer technology, and  then worked in the petrochemical industry in various locations throughout Asia-Pacific.

When he retired from a successful corporate career, he was asked by a Sukhov family member to write their story. Having written for industrial and print media over many years, and coming from a long line of journalists, editors and newspaper proprietors, he readily accepted the project.

An avid traveler, snow skier, sailor and golfer, Simon and his wife Bronwyn live at their coastal property at Wilsons Promontory, Australia – the southern tip of mainland Australia. They also spend part of each year in Thailand and Canada.

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